Uvod u deformaciona merenja i analizu - Numerički primer

Published: 25 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hv9332cy7g.1
Mehmed Batilović


Ovaj numerički primer kreiran je u svrhu primene Pelcerove, Karlsrue, IWST i Velšove metode deformacione analize geodetskih mreža, koje su obrađene u udžbeniku Uvod u deformaciona merenja i analizu čiji je izdavač Fakultet tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Pomenuti udžbenik namenjen je prvenstveno studentima osnovnih akademskih studija studijskog programa Geodezija i geoinformatika. Za potrebe primene navedenih metoda koncipirana je dvodimenzionalna geodetska mreža za monitoring pomeranja i deformacija mostovske konstrukcije, koja se sastoji od 5 referentnih tačaka mreže i 24 tačke na objektu. U mreži su simulirane dve epohe merenja, a svaka od njih sastoji se od 66 horizontalnih pravaca i 66 horizontalnih dužina. Opažanja su u obe epohe merenja simulirana sa slučajnim greškama merenja koje slede normalnu raspodelu sa srednjom vrednošću nula i standardnom devijacijom od 1” za horizontalne pravce i 1 mm + 1.5 ppm za horizontalne dužine. Na pojedinim tačkama mreže simulirana su pomeranja sa intenzitetima u rasponu od 7 do 20 mm. Numerički primer čine sledeći podaci: približne koordinate tačaka mreže, simulirani vektori pomeranja tačaka mreže, skica mreže, simulirana opažanja u dve epohe merenja, izveštaji o izravnanju geodetske mreže u dve epohe merenja i izveštaji o deformacionoj analizi geodetske mreže primenom Pelcerove, Karlsrue, IWST i Velšove metode. This numerical example was created for the purpose of applying Pelzer, Karlsruhe, IWST, and Welsch methods of deformation analysis of geodetic networks, which are discussed in the book "Introduction to Deformation Measurements and Analysis" published by the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. The mentioned book is primarily intended for undergraduate students of the study program in Geodesy and Geoinformatics. For the application of the mentioned methods, a two-dimensional geodetic network for monitoring the displacements and deformations of a bridge structure was designed. The network consists of 5 reference points and 24 points on the structure. In the network, two measurement epochs were simulated, each consisting of 66 horizontal directions and 66 horizontal lengths. Observations in both measurement epochs were simulated with random measurement errors that follow a normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1” for horizontal directions and 1 mm + 1.5 ppm for horizontal distances. Displacements with intensities ranging from 7 to 20 mm were simulated at some network points. The numerical example consists of the following data: approximate coordinates of the network points, simulated displacement vectors of the network points, network sketch, simulated observations in two measurement epochs, reports on the adjustment of the geodetic network in two measurement epochs, and reports on the deformation analysis of the geodetic network using the Pelzer, Karlsruhe, IWST, and Welsch methods.



Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Fakultet tehnickih nauka


Geodesy, Geomatics
