Distance Calculator for the Different Levels of European NUTS Regions

Published: 2 April 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/hvjzvpfgbp.3
Marcell Tamás Kurbucz,


The presented R function called eudistance calculates the centroid distance matrix for the different levels of the European Union's (EU) Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) regions in meters and complements it by their code, name, level, and country identifier, as well as their geometric data and centroids. Optionally, this R function displays centroids on a map of Europe to ease the verification of their positions. Please cite as: • Kurbucz, M. T., & Katona, A. I. (2022). eudistance: Distance calculator for the different levels of European NUTS regions. Software Impacts, 13, 100327.



Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Wigner Fizikai Kutatokozpont, Pannon Egyetem


Geography, Regional Studies, Spatial Analysis, European Union, Distance Measurement, Spatial Econometrics
