Connections between Ocean Literacy principles and the specific competences of the Brazilian Common Curricular Base (Natural Sciences - High School)
Methodology for the creation of a table showing possibilities of connections between the ocean literacy principles and the specific competences of Natural Sciences (High School) of the Brazilian Common Curricular Base. Results showing the identified connections, expressed both in the form of conceptual content that can be worked on in the classroom and in the form of presence and absence of connections
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Based on the reading of the ocean literacy principles and the specific competences of the BNCC (Brazilian National Curriculum - Nature Sciences - High School), eight researchers (with a background in biology and oceanography) sought to highlight the integrative potential of the "Ocean" theme for the school curriculum. For each connection found, possibilities of working at school were described through learning objectives, using verbs (eg understand, analyze, discuss, reflect ...) followed by subjects, which can be used as central themes in class or as examples by teachers. The table is a suggestion and is based on the authors' knowledge at the time of its construction, and other examples of integration are possible and desirable. Also, the authors hope that the table can be used as a basis by the pedagogical teams of schools for the elaboration of curricular proposals that have the Ocean as a theme and they encourage its dissemination and sharing. Please correctly cite the reference when using the table in academic papers. The full table can be viewed at:
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo