Data for: REE fractionation and human Gd footprint along the continuum between Paraguaçu River to coastal South Atlantic Waters

Published: 31 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hwmtw2ybxb.1
Raíza Andrade, Vanessa Hatje, Rodrigo Pedreira, Philipp Böning, Katharina Pahnke


Sheet concentrations: Concentrations of REEs (pmol kg-1) and other parameters (salinity, pH, tubidity, dissolved oxygen, latitude, longitude, local time) of surface waters from the continuum between Paraguaçu Estuary through Todos os Santos Bay (Bahia, Brazil) and surface waters collected hourly during a 12h period at station TS (12°55'14.4'' S, 38°30'37.9'' W, Todos os Santos Bay). Sheet PAAS normalized: PAAS (Post Archean Australian Shale) normalized concentrations, Gd anomaly (Gd/Gd*), Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce*), and Nd/Er, Er/Nd and La/Yb ratios of surface waters from the continuum between Paraguaçu Estuary through Todos os Santos Bay (Bahia, Brazil) and surface waters collected hourly during a 12h period at station TS (12°55'14.4'' S, 38°30'37.9'' W, Todos os Santos Bay). Where: Gd/Gd* was calculated using the third order polynomial fit method with nine elements (Pr, Nd, Sm, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) and Ce/Ce* = CeSN / (LaSN x PrSN)^0.5 Sheet P1 normalized: Table 1 Concentrations of REEs (pmol kg-1) and salinity of surface waters from the Paraguaçu Estuary (Bahia, Brazil). Table 2 Freshwater endmember (P1) normalized REEs and salinity of surface waters from the Paraguaçu Estuary (Bahia, Brazil). Table 3 REE removal percentage of surface waters from the Paraguaçu Estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The percentage of removal (%REEPx) was calculated as indicated bellow: %REMOVAL_Px=[1-(REE_Px/REE_P1)]×100% Where %REMOVAL_Px= The percentage of REE removal at the station x, REE_Px= the concentration of REE at the station x of the estuary; and REE_P1= the concentration of REE at the station P1 of the estuary.



Geochemistry, Marine Chemistry
