Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) cannot recognize global configurations of sound patterns but can recognize adjacent relations of sounds

Published: 18 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hyd4n6tc3b.1
masumi wakita


Raw data for the article: Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) cannot recognize global configurations of sound patterns but can recognize adjacent relations of sounds. Behav Processes. 2020 July;


Steps to reproduce

This file contains the response latency data across trials and sessions for Cj190 and Cj195 marmosets. GO/NOGO responses were defined by the response latency data. Responses emitted within stimulus presentation (5 s) were treated as GO responses. The response latencies in the MISS and CR trials were tentatively designated as 5 s. Response latency data were then converted into GO/NOGO response data. Thus, 1s in the S+ and S- trials represents HIT and FA responses, respectively. By bootstrapping these 1/0 data, the mean of the resampled HIT and FA rates as well as the mean and 95% CI of the d’ scores were computed. In addition, response latencies between S+ and S- trials were compared based on the last 3 sessions for each task.


Kyoto Daigaku Reichorui Kenkyujo, Kyoto Daigaku


Animal Cognition, Auditory Perception, Animal Comparative Psychology, Monkey
