Data for: Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome Criteria in Lean, Normoglycemic College-age Subjects
Aims: The goal of this study was to determine insulin sensitivity in a fasted state and during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), in normoglycemic (NGT), lean (L) (n=35) and, for comparison, overweight/obese (OW/O) (n=9) college-aged subjects. Material and Methods: Insulin sensitivity for 44 NGT, normotensive subject, age 18-26 yrs., was determined by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA-IR) and from Matsuda index (ISI Matsuda). Results: Subjects were normoglycemic fasted (4.59 + 0.35 mmol/L) and at two hours post OGTT 4.52+1.35 mmol/L).Besides anthropometric measures, there were significant differences between OW/O and L for fasting insulin (P<0.001) and both measures of insulin sensitivity (P<0.05). All subjects exhibited a 9-fold range in HOMA-IR (0.88 +0.51, range 0.3-2.7) and an 8-fold range in ISI Matsuda (11.9+4.7, range 3.0-24.2). The latter was inversely correlated with systolic blood pressure (r= 0.35, P=0.04) even though subjects were normotensive. In lean subjects, 2.3% were IR by HOMA-IR >2.1, 5.7% by ISI Matsuda<5.9, and 22.9% had >one criteria for metabolic syndrome (MetS); 28.6% had some negative metabolic biomarker. Conclusions: Insulin resistance is present in lean, NGT college-age subjects even without MetS criteria and is discernable with an easily applicable OGTT-derived index