Urban Greening Choice Experiment Vienna

Published: 14 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hyyxt59pxj.1


The data set is the result of a choice experiment (embedded in a larger survey) conducted in Vienna in May and September 2022. The experiment investigated preferences and willingness-to-pay for urban greening measures (in streetscapes and on buildings). The data set includes characteristics of the respondents (e.g. age, income, preferences for heat perception and use of green spaces) and their location (green spaces and trees within a buffer of 500 meters around the residence), as well as information on the choice situations (description of the alternatives). The data were collected through an online panel provider, with respondents being compensated for their contribution. The choice situations were composed using the Ngene software in order to show a high D-efficiency. In the survey, the choice cards and response options were shuffled to reduce potential order effects. The .m files are the MATLAB code that was used to for the mixed logit models with correlated random parameters. For the analysis a custom-written software specifically designed to work with the DCE package in Matlab was used (Czajkowski 2024) CE4A - the model without interactions CE4A_simple_socio - model with systematic taste variation (main effects and interactions with means) CE4A_attr_interactions - model with interacted attributes Reference: Czajkowski, M. (2024). Models for Discrete Choice Experiments. GitHub repository. URL: https://github.com/czaj/dce



Uniwersytet Warszawski Wydzial Nauk Ekonomicznych, Technische Universitat Wien


Urban Design, Choice Experiment


Vienna Science and Technology Fund

