Chronology of Late Pleistocene sediments in the coast of Fujian, South China
Fig. 1. a. Map of Fujian Province downloaded from the Standard map service system; Drawing review No: GS (2017) 1268. Supervised by National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information (; b‒c. Maps of the study area and locations of the FN1 core and previously studied XPZK3 core in an adjacent area (Ma et al., 2016; Jin et al., 2019). Fig. 2. Lithological profile and stratigraphic divisions of based on the FN1 core from the Funing Bay. Fig. 3. a. Frequency distribution curves for FN1 core, b. accumulation probability curves for the FN1 core, c. plot showing the median diameter and sorting coefficient for the FN1 core, and d. C-M map based on grain size for the FN1 core. Fig. 4. Plots showing results of the (a‒b) preheat plateau and (c‒d) dose recovery tests for representative samples employed for the OSL signals. Fig. 5. Decay and dose response curves for OSL signals for the MG (38‒63 μm), CG1 (63‒90 μm), and CG2 (90‒150 μm) fractions of quartz for samples PFS001, PFS005 and PFS011 . Fig. 6. Abanico plot (Dietze and Kreutzer, 2021) showing Des distributions of quartz from three grain size fractions for samples PFS001 and PFS006. The dashed line in black represents the mean value of Des. Fig. 7. a. Plots showing results of the preheat plateau and dose recovery tests using K-feldspar for sample PFS017. b. Dose recovery and residual dose measurements for all K-feldspar samples based on the pIR50IR170 and pIR50IR225 procedures. c‒d. Decay and dose response curves based on the pIR50IR170 for sample PFS016 and pIR50IR225 for sample PFS019. Fig. 8. Abanico plot (Dietze and Kreutzer, 2021) of the Des distribution of K-feldspars for samples PFS017 and PFS019 based on the pIR50IR170 and pIR50IR225 procedures. Fig. 9. Plot showing g-values of the pIR50IR170 and pIR50IR225 signals for samples PFS011 and PFS016. Fig. 10. a. Depth‒age model for the FN1 core (Blaauw and Christen, 2011). The 95% confidence interval for the modelled ages is the grey shaded area, while the red line in the centre is the ‘best’ model age. b. Diagram showing the OSL and AMS 14C ages for the FN1 core and stratigraphic information. c. Diagram displaying AMS 14C ages for the XPZK3 core and the associated stratigraphic information. Table 1 Data for OSL dating for three grain-size fractions of quartz from the FN1 core, and the adopted ages are shown in bold. Table 2 Data from K-feldspar dating based on the pIR50IR170 and pIR50IR225 signals. Table 3 Data for AMS 14C dating of samples from the FN1 core.