Electric current consumption and meteorological data of Alto Paraná, Paraguay
The data set provides information of electric current consumption and meteorological data of the region of Alto Paraná, Paraguay. Electric current consumption set includes datetime (ISO 8601 without timezone), substation, feeder and consumption (amperage) with an hourly frequency. Meteorological data includes datetime (ISO 8601 without timezone), temperature (Celsius) , relative humidity (percentage), wind speed (km/h, kilometers per hour) and atmospheric pressure (hPa, hectopascal) at the station level with a frequency of every three hours. Both dataset spans from January 2017 to December 2020, the meteorological set contains 22.445 records of one weather station and electricity consumption set contains data from 55 feeders distributed in 14 substations, includes a total of 1.848.947 records. This set can be used to train and validate the performance of machine learning algorithms used in regression and classification as well as modelling, simulation and optimization problems related to energy consumption and climate.