Representative TMS-evoked potentials
Pre-processed single-trial TEPs (electroencephalographic potentials evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation) recorded in a representative healthy subject during wakefulness. 4 Shared files: TEP_BA6.mat, TEP_BA4.mat, TEP_BA7.mat and TEP_BA19.mat Suffix indicates the Brodmann's area corresponding to stimulated target. The following intensities expressed in terms of the maximal stimulator output were applied: 70% for BA6, 47% for BA4, 67% for BA7 and 52% for BA19. Each file contains the following variables: Y: TEP data matrix with dimension channels x time x trials times: time vector with dimension 1 x time samples srate: sampling rate in Hz chlocs: structure containing information about the EEG channels' numbers, names, and locations badch: vector indicating the EEG channels' numbers to be rejected because of bad data quality Shared data were pre-processed by applying the following standard procedure: 1) high-pass filtering of continuous EEG recordings at 1 Hz; 2) epoching with a time window of [-800 +800] ms around TMS pulses; 3) rejection of artifact-contaminated trials and channels by visual inspection; 4) re-referencing to the average reference; 5) Independent Component Analysis to reduce ocular and muscular artifacts (as in Casarotto et al., Ann Neurol 2016); 6) low-pass filtering at 45 Hz. Pre-processing summary: 1) channel FT10 was rejected in all sessions; 2) the number of averaged trials out of the total number of recorded trials was a. 89/100 for BA6; b. 96/101 for BA4; c. 102/147 for BA7; d. 117/130 for BA19.