Data for : Characterization of pitting resistance of metallic materials based on ultrasonic microscope

Published: 10 March 2020| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/hzp9ypy5y8.4
Xue Li, Min Li, Jinhua Deng, Fei He


The data and programs are attached to the manuscript "Characterization of pitting resistance of metallic materials based on ultrasonic microscope". The"calculate program" can be used to calculate the ultrasonic relative attenuation of amplitude and the ultrasonic relative attenuation coefficient of high-order cumulant The data of ultrasonic specimen1 to ultrasonic specimen 7 include interface wave signals and back-wall wave signals of 7 component specimens. There are 3 parallel specimens for each component specimen. The program "polarzationcurves.m" can plot the polarzation curves according to the files of "the result of dynamic potential polarization experiments".



Ultrasonic Testing, Corrosion Resistance
