Support provided by healthcare professionals to families of newborns in the Neonatal Unit in Brazil Amazon

Published: 10 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hzyb5xk8yr.1


Neonatal Unit is a hospitalization service focused on integral care of severe or potentially serious newborns and it is related to trauma in both parents. The multiprofessional team is highly important in this scenario of paternal vulnerability, by practices of motivation and qualified listening. However, it can show weakeness in the daily practices in healthcare services. To evaluate the support offered from healthcare professionals to family members of newborns on their admittion to the Neonatal Unit. Descriptive cross-sectional study with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Research ocurred at the Regional Hospital of Tucuruí, in the state of Pará, Amazon region of Brazil, where 33 mothers who had newborn children answered to the semi-structured questionnaire including NPST (Nurse Parent Support Tool). The findings revealed unsatisfactory communication and information support from health professionals to the family of the hospitalized neonate, even though they expressed satisfaction with the provided care. The scarcity of human resources and health education provided by healthcare professionals to the parents of hospitalizated newborns weakens the communication process of hospitalization and well-being of the mother and leads to decreases in the efficiency of the support provided.



High-Risk Newborn, Neonatology, Newborn Care, Health, Neonatal Infant
