tea sickness dataset
Published: 20 May 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/j32xdt2ff5.2
, Description
This tea sickness dataset contains tea leaves showing 7 common diseases of tea: (1) Red leaf spot; (2) Algal leaf spot; (3) Bird’s eyespot; (4) Gray blight; (5) White spot; (6) Anthracnose; (7) Brown blight. The dataset further contains a class of healthy tea leaves. Each of the classes contains more than 100 images. The dataset was collected in Johnstone Boiyon farm, Koiwa location, Bomet county from a clone of 1510. It can be used with transfer learning for Machine learning models for predicting sickness in tea.
University of Rwanda, Universitat Bremen
Machine Learning, Sustainable Agriculture, Monitoring in Agriculture, Transfer Learning