Forensic full range scanner for unique identification of paper and banknotes, pre-embodied with exclusivity antipode trace elements
Patent file filed in 15 may 2021 Office documents have forgery problems. Financial Intelligence units around the world endorse digital forensic methods. This patent is one step ahead and two steps back with a custom manufactured paper. The procedure has two stages. First in the paper factory micro quantity of non-Destructive Testing particles-elements antipode materials (22-27) is ejected into pulp and a paper sheet is prepared (6). In the second stage, in an office environment, the paper sheet is printed, signed or handwritten and is fed into the scanner. There a full range scan occurs with a number of Non-Destructive-Test scanners/sensors (11) driven by appropriate sources (10) and finally a unique identifiable page representation file (12) is created. This file is unique and stored locally once. The document paper is used normally around the world and every time a forgery proof is necessary it is scanned again by a similar scanner and a net verification is performed.
Steps to reproduce
original Patent submitted officially 15 May 2021