Data of Physical Characteristics and Sports Performance Among Middle School Students in The North Of Morocco.

Published: 16 May 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/j3htgdk4pn.3
, Outman El Hichami,


The database contains the physical characteristics and athletic performance of middle school students between the ages of 11 and 19. The data includes age, sex, weight, height, BMI, sprint and long jump performance. This database can be used for a number of research purposes: analysis of student performance, physical characteristics of adolescents, application of artificial intelligence in sport, etc.


Steps to reproduce

Data is collected from 1851 middle school students during physical education and sports sessions from October 2023 to March 2024. Data such as name, date of birth, and gender are obtained from the school management system of the institution after authorization from the administration. For other information such as weight, height, BMI, speed, and jump distance, several tests are conducted to collect this data. The study is carried out on all students in the school, but exempted or sick students or those who were absent during the performance sessions were excluded. Also, If the students did not have all the information (weight, height, speed and distance), they were removed from the analysis.


Universite Abdelmalek Essaadi Faculte des Sciences


Physical Education, Machine Learning, Sport, Sport Training, Body Mass Index
