Buenaventura et al. 2019 concatenated NT phylogenetic data set for flesh flies
Published: 14 June 2019| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/j3mfhwmfz8.3
Brian WiegmannDescription
Phylogenetic dataset containing aligned nucleotides from 950 concatenated loci obtained by Anchored Hybrid Enrichment for species in the fly family Sarcophagidae. The data set contains 101 taxa and 435,930 aligned nucleotides in PHYLIP format. Buenaventura_etal2019_aligned_Loci.zip contains each of 950 aligned loci in Fasta format. These data are used in phylogenetic analyses contained in Buenaventura, E, K. Szpila, B. K. Cassel, B.M. Wiegmann, B., and T. Pape. (2019) Anchored hybrid enrichment challenges the traditional classification of flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Systematic Entomology, in press.
Diptera, Phylogenomics, Fly, Insect Phylogeny