Knowledge-intensive Business Services and New Venture Growth: A Sub-national Analysis Based on Complexity Theory

Published: 27 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/j3w6xvbdbc.1
Qing Song, Dianfan Yu, Xiangcai Peng


This is a replication package for “Knowledge-intensive Business Services and New Venture Growth: A Sub-national Analysis Based on Complexity Theory,” authored by Qing Song, Dianfan Yu, and Xiangcai Peng, published in Economic Modelling. The purpose of this package is to facilitate the replication of the results presented in the paper. Due to licensing restrictions, the full dataset used in the analysis cannot be shared. Instead, a random subsample is provided, which is sufficient to statistically replicate the empirical findings.


Steps to reproduce

Please see the readme file in the replication package.


Applied Economics
