Whole-body kinematic adaptations (and its reliability) to running on an unstable, irregular, and compliant surface: Data and supplemental files

Published: 27 December 2023| Version 5 | DOI: 10.17632/j4bck84rpr.5
Maurice Mohr,


This data set contains the raw data and participant information underlying a study on whole-body movement adaptations (and its reliability) to running on an unstable surface in recreational runners. The underlying study compared the whole-body running motion and indicators of whole-body motor control between running on asphalt (stable) and a wood chip track (unstable) on five separate testing days. A parallel study investigated the reliability of XSens-based joint angles within- and between-days. The running motion was measured outdoors using an inertial-based motion analysis suit (Xsens Link). This measurement system computes segment positions of 23 body segments and joint angles for 22 joints. On each of the five testing days, runners completed one "test" on each of the two surfaces. One "test" included 2 runs back and forth along a 140m path. The data from each run were split and the 180° turn in the middle was cut out, yielding two repetitions per run. Therefore, the data set includes four files per "test" (run 1 - repetition 1, run 1 - repetition 2, run 2 - repetition 1, run 2 - repetition 2) for a total of 40 files per participant (four files x two surfaces x five testing days). The sample rate of the motion analysis suit was 240 Hz but the data were downsampled to 120 Hz during post-processing. This data set contains the following items: 1) "Raw_JointAngles_And_SegmentPositions.zip": This file contains 17 folders; one for each of the 17 runners that were evaluated in this study. Each folder contains four .mat files. a) Angles.mat - joint angle time series, b) Positions.mat - segment position time series, c) RF_indices.mat - the frame numbers of the detected right foot strikes (see associated publication), d) Mean_Speed.mat - the average running speed for each surface and day. Angles.mat and Positions.mat contain 40 files corresponding to the 40 running repetitions as explained above. NEW in version 5: This folder now also contains Angles_recal.mat. These data can be used to estimate the calibration error of the XSens suit. The publication of the reliability methods and results will be linked as soon as it becomes available. 2) "PCA_Output.mat": The segment positions in the underlying study were analyzed by means of a kinematic principal component analysis. This file contains the resulting "principal positions" (PP_TrialSubj matrix, 40 running repetitions x 17 runners), "PCs" (the principal component vectors), "EV" (the eigenvalues). More details about the PCA and the data processing modalities can be here:https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fninf.2019.00024/full 3) "Participant Information.xlsx": Basic participant information. 4) "Angles_Columns_Names.xlsx" & "Positions_Columns_Names.xlsx": Descriptors of position and angle signals. 5) "TrialNumbers.xlsx": Explanation of the forty running repetitions. 6) "Supplementary Figures.docx" & "Supplementary Videos.zip": Supplementary Files of the associated publication



Universitat Innsbruck


Motor Control, Principal Component Analysis, Gait Analysis, Biomechanics of Motion
