Nurse-Patients Data and Geographic Distances

Published: 26 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/j545x729m6.1
Ahmet Cinar


The data contains information for the patients of a single nurse who is responsible to visit them. In each folder, there are different number of patients for the same nurse and further the data is divided as loose time windows and tight time windows in each folder. In each folder, there is a Data.csv file which contains patients' ID, their geographic information, the time windows in which they can be visited, the last visit date which represents the last visit date the nurse has visited the patients. The Distance file contains geographic distance matrix in terms of meters from nurse's home location to patients and from patients to patients.



Koc Universitesi Endustri Muhendisligi Bolumu


Operations Research, Vehicle Routing Problem, Home Health Care, Healthcare Research
