Individual ICA EEG mu- and alpha-rhythm components
The folder "individual components information" contains: * The folder “children sample motor condition”, which contains visualizations of the chosen alpha-, left and right mu-components for the sample of children for the first part of the experiment with the passive hand movement condition, which comprised of 32 participants (24 females); * The folder “children sample video condition”, which contains visualizations of the chosen alpha-, left and right mu-components for the sample of children for the second part of the experiment with the hand movement observation condition, which comprised of 19 participants (17 females); * The folder “adult sample”, which contains visualizations of the chosen alpha-, left and right mu-components for the sample of adults, which comprised of 19 participants (11 females); * The table "components", which contains individual codes of the components chosen for each EEG-file; * The docx file "information upon files", which further describes how to use the folder.