Data from: Formation of beta-strands in the extramembrane controls dimerization of transmembrane helices in amyloid precursor protein C99 intrinsically disordered domains

Published: 18 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/j6rtdskrvc.1


Within this data set are 1) Conformations of the 99-residue C-terminal domain of Amyloid Precursor Protein (C99), which is processed to form amyloid beta, in a POPC lipid bilayer and 150 mM NaCl aqueous solvent. 2) Input parameters for gREST simulations of C99 monomer and homodimer in the GENESIS molecular dynamics simulation package. 3) NMR peak intensity ratios (I/I0) due to addition of paramagnetic probes measured at dilute C99 concentrations.



National Institutes of Health, Boston University, University of Texas at Austin, Vanderbilt University, RIKEN Global Research Cluster


Membrane Protein, Molecular Dynamics, Intrinsically Disordered Protein, Amyloid Precursor Protein
