Data from: A Nested Case-Control Study of Allopregnanolone and Preterm Birth in The Healthy Start Cohort
These data were generated from a nested case-control study evaluating maternal serum allopregnanolone (along with five related, simultaneously assayed analytes, cortisol, cortisone, progesterone, pregnanolone and epipregnanolone) and their association with preterm birth in women who gave birth preterm and matched controls that gave birth at term (N=27 per group). The supplemental file included in this data repository contains the odds ratios calculated for all study analytes (Supplemental Table S1), the model results used to calculate the odds ratios (Supplemental Table S2), mean maternal serum concentrations for each study analyte at 1st and 2nd blood draw (Supplemental Figures S3 and S4), and a graphical depiction of the estimated probability generated as part of the logistical model (Supplemental Figure S1). Logistic regression model variables for odds ratios included the known serum analyte concentration of each participant, the gestational age at the time of sample collection, and the interaction between serum analyte concentration and gestational age. The odds ratios were calculated for each gestational week observed in our dataset (13w0d – 32w0d). For direct comparison of the groups, we used independent samples t-tests to compare the mean serum concentration at 1st and 2nd blood sample. Additionally, we used a linear regression model, accounting for each participant’s precise gestational age at the time of sample collection, to estimate expected mean serum concentrations for preterm and term groups at each gestational week (13w0d – 32w0d).