Exploring Optimal Deep Tunnel Sewer Systems to Enhance Urban Pluvial Flood Resilience in the Gangnam Region, South Korea

Published: 7 December 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/j6y9zpppt4.2
Samuel Park, Jaekyoung Kim, Junsuk Kang


Urban pluvial flooding is becoming a global concern, exacerbated by urbanization and climate change, especially in rapidly developing areas where existing sewer systems lag behind growth. In order to minimize a system's functional failures during extreme rainfalls, localized engineering solutions are required for urban areas chronically suffering from pluvial floods. This study critically evaluates the Deep Tunnel Sewer System (DTSS) as a robust gray infrastructure solution for enhancing urban flood resilience, with a case study in the Gangnam region of Seoul, South Korea. To do so, we integrated a one-dimensional sewer model with a rapid flood spreading model to identify optimal routes and conduit diameters for the DTSS, focusing on four flood-related metrics: the total flood volume, the flood duration, the peak flooding rate, and the number of flooded nodes. Our research also developed the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) surfaces in three dimensions, providing a correlation between simulated flood-related metrics and design rainfall characteristics to distinguish the effect of DTSS on flood risk reduction. Our findings demonstrate how highly engineered solutions can enhance urban flood resilience, but they may still face challenges during extreme events. This study contributes valuable insights to assist in rational decision-making and emergency management in the face of increasing urban pluvial flood risks.



Seoul National University


Urban Flooding, Urban Drainage
