Metaproteomics of environmental MIC samples

Published: 27 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/j7ngwwks6n.1


Damage caused by microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) impedes the operability of hydraulic metallic structures and has therefore needs to be researched extensively. The objective of our study was to characterize the microbial processes of freshwater environmental samples under sulphate-reducing conditions. Identification of the enzymatic patterns with iron or hydrogen as electron donor, in the presence or absence of an organic carbon source was performed. Shot-gun metaproteomics of the extracted proteins were measured by LC/MS and the following data includes the MS-spectra of the peptides . The MS-data was compared aganist a custom fasta sequence using Proteome dicoverer software 2.5 to identify the protein expression patterns of the bacteria, when incubated with iron or hydrogen as electron donors. The identified proteins were furthermore analysed by Uniprot ID mapping and KEGG database for the elucidation of the relevant microbial pathways that is CO2 fixation pathways, carbon metabolism, sulfur metabolism and energy metabolsism for the possible corrosion mechanisms/key proteins.


Steps to reproduce

Methodology (Shot gun proteomics) -Protein preparation incl. lysate extraction, reduction and alkylation -Tryptic digestion (SP3-bead extraction) -Nanoliquid chromatography mass spectrometric measurement - Curation of database: Filtered the TOP10 (>90% of the total abundance) taxa from 16S rRNA sequencing data - Complied a custom protein seqeuence file with the TOP10 taxa protein seqeunces obtained from Uniprot repository - Evaluated the raw files aganist the curated fasta file using Proteome Discoverer 2.5 (Inferys workflow, FDR-0.05%)


Bundesanstalt fur Gewasserkunde


Proteomics, Biofilm, Corrosion Mechanism, Environmental Corrosion, Microbial Community


Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
