High resolution modeling of sediment in the coastal waters of the Northern Bay of Bengal (original data)

Published: 16 May 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/j7z9rvnwjy.2


The high-resolution dataset of sediment in the coastal waters of the Northern Bay of Bengal is an output of ROMS-CSTMS modeling for the ten years’ climatological run. Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) - Community Sediment Transport Modeling System (CSTMS) model used to acquire a dataset of physical variables and sediment on the continental shelf of India and countries adjacent to the Northern Bay of Bengal. The high-resolution model resolved the complex bathymetry from ETOPO2, forced by COADS climatological winds. Furthermore, the tides are taken from TPXO7 and the lateral boundaries from SODA, with the initial condition from WOA09 and the sediment concentration set to zero in the simulation. The river discharge as the point source of nine rivers in our domain was obtained from Dai and Trenberth climatology. The raw data from two alternative simulations was obtained with and without waterways. The Large-McWilliams-Doney (LMD) vertical mixing scheme was used in both scenarios for the simulations. The output data was stored in the NetCDF format for 12 months with daily data availability in two different cases: with and without river simulation.



Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Coastal Physical Oceanography
