Data for: A biological re-description of Eimeria innocua Moore and Brown 1952: A coccidium (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) of turkeys

Published: 12 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/j9vcgy5p5b.1
, John Barta


These supplementary data files include micrographs of developmental parasite stages of Eimeria innocua to support the biological re-description of Eimeria innocua. Rotolo, J. L., Gordon, L. J. & Barta, J.R. 2025. A biological re-description of Eimeria innocua Moore and Brown 1952: A coccidium (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) of turkeys. FILES: Suppl. Fig. 1 Oocyst and sporocyst images: Two image files (jpeg format; 1 in color and 1 in black and white) with examples of 132 oocysts, 60 sporocysts and 3 sporozoites of Eimeria innocua. Micrographs were assembled into a single file using Adobe Photoshop 2020. The image size of each micrograph was scaled to ensure that the 10-micron scale bar in the bottom, right corner would apply to all images in the file. Suppl. Fig. 2 Histology: Four image files (2 pdf and 2 pptx; each with 1 color and 1 black and white version) with micrographs of tissues stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Luna stain and CD3-immunolabelled tissues.



University of Guelph


Histology, Immunohistochemistry, Morphometrics, Eimeria
