Instances for the multi-trip team orienteering problem with integrated tours for blood transportation

Published: 19 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jb279whdkj.1


The instance title presents the number of potential nodes (n), the number of periods (h), the number of mobile collection sites (m), and the number of shuttles (u). Each instance presents the following: First, general information: n: number of nodes, i.e., the potential sites plus the two nodes representing the blood center. m: number of mobile collection sites u: number of shuttles Q: capacity of the mobile collection sites [whole-blood units] h: number of periods of the planning horizon tMax: arrival time limit [units of time] Second, parameters related to each period t: q: total demand [whole-blood units] qPLT: demand for whole-blood units intended to produce platelets and cryoprecipitate Third, parameters related to each node i, where the first and last nodes correspond to the blood center and the others to the potential sites: x and y: coordinates s: service time [units of time] p: total donation level or profit [whole-blood units] e: opening time of activities [units of time] l: closing time of activities [units of time] Finally, the travel times between each pair of nodes



Corporacion Universitaria de la Costa, Universite de Technologie de Troyes, Universidad de La Sabana


Supply Chain Management, Combinatorial Optimization, Heuristics


European Regional Development Fund

OSTL-University of Technologie of Troyes

Universidad de La Sabana

