Attention Allocation to Projection Level Alleviates Overconfidence in Situation Awareness

Published: 28 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jb5j2rczjz.1
Yang Cai


This dataset contains several files related to our research paper titled "Attention Allocation to Projection Level Alleviates Overconfidence in Situation Awareness". These files are intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the data analysis process and the presentation of results. Below is a list of the files included and a brief description of each: R Scripts: These are scripts written in the R programming language for data processing and analysis. The scripts detail the steps for data cleaning, transformation, statistical analysis, and the visualization of results. To replicate the study findings or to conduct further analyses on the dataset, users should run these scripts. R Markdown File: Offers a dynamic document that combines R code with rich text elements such as paragraphs, headings, and lists. This file is designed to explain the logic and steps of the analysis in detail, embedding R code chunks and the outcomes of code execution. It serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the analytical process behind the study. HTML File: Generated from the R Markdown file, this file provides an interactive report of the results that can be viewed in any standard web browser. For those interested in browsing the study's findings without delving into the specifics of the analysis, this HTML file is the most convenient option. It presents the final analysis outcomes in an intuitive and easily understandable manner. For optimal viewing, we recommend opening the HTML file with the latest version of Google Chrome or any other modern web browser. This approach ensures that all interactive functionalities are fully operational. Together, these files form a complete framework for the research analysis, aimed at enhancing the transparency and reproducibility of the study.


Steps to reproduce

1. To run the R script or R Markdown files, place mydata.xlsx in the same folder as these files. 2. Run the script or Markdown file to reproduce the analysis. 3. Refer to the HTML for results.


Tsinghua University


Psychology, Ergonomics, Human-Machine System, Cognitive Ergonomics, Human-Computer Interaction, Situational Awareness (Ergonomics)


National Natural Science Foundation of China


Open Research Fund of the Shanghai key lab of brain-machine intelligence for information behavior

