Shifting Public perception on Covid-19 and New Normal Protocol
Published: 17 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jbdsrz8zxh.1
Hardisman DasmanDescription
The data is about public perception on Covid-19 in early pandemic and after two years and implementation of health protocol in new normal approach. The data was collected through an online questionnaire, which was sent to the webinar participants using the convenience sampling technique
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The participants of a public webinar on Covid-19 which held by the Faculty of medicine of Andalas University were selected for participants of the study. Out of 584 participants, 521 completed the survey, which assessed their perception of Covid-19 in early pandemic and after two years, and on the implementation of health protocol in new normal approach.
Universitas Andalas
Public Health, Health Promotion and Health Maintenance