Farm management practice-ES linkages data from REA

Published: 5 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jc29yf3t5k.1
Kato Van Ruymbeke


Dataset includes observations extracted from the secondary literature through a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA), linking farm management practices to ecosystem service (ES) supply. The dataset was used to identify how 26 considered farm management practices impact the supply of 17 considered ES in European agricultural systems through the composition of agri-environmental indicators. Two main research questions were addressed using this data: i) How do various farm management practices (both conventional and ecological) impact the supply of ES in agroecosystems across Europe? and ii) How does this impact differ between farm and territorial level? The dataset includes expert-mediated qualitative data, which records a positive, inconclusive or negative impact of a management practice ('Practice') on an ES ('ES'), coded as 3, 2, 1 respectively in the column titles 'Observation'. The column titles 'Practice_category' identifies the broader categories into which management practices may be classified based on the intervention types, while the column titled 'ES_category' identifies which CICES category the ES belongs to. 'Scale' identifies which spatial level the observation was recorded at in the synthesis article. 'Scale_category' categorises these spatial levels into 1 (farm level) and 2 (territorial level). 'Quality_meanscore' is the mean article quality score attributed to each synthesis article based on performance across 26 quality criteria. 'Filled' refers to whether an observation linking the management practice to an ES was present in the literature (0) or whether it had to be filled in manually as a missing value (1). 'n_articles' and 'n_obs' refers to the number of articles and number of observations that are included in the indicator composition for a given farm management practice-ES linkage. Meta-analytic data is also recorded in rows A-E. This includes the unique identifier of each article ('Article_ID'), the institutional association of the reviewer who extracted data from a given article ('Reviewer_institution'), the article citation ('Citation'), the year of publication ('Year'), and the number of primary studies (if mentioned) included in the synthesis article ('n_studies').



Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


Agricultural Science, Ecosystem Services Literature Reviews
