Data for: Between boreal Siberia and arid Central Asia - stable isotope hydrology and water budget of Burabay National Nature Park ecotone (Northern Kazakhstan)
The dataset (n=54) represents the results of analysis for hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of water with calculated deuterium excess (d-excess: δ^2 H=8δ^18 O+10). The samples were collected during one hydrologic year from November 2015 to November 2016 at Burabay National Nature Park (BNNP), Kazakhstan. Lake water samples (n=30) were collected approximately each month during ice-free period, groundwater (n=13) and streamwater (n=6) samples quarterly. The lake water samples were collected by grab sampling at the shoreline usually at fixed locations (if the location for a given sample for a lake was different from the fixed point it was indicated in comment column and coordinates are provided). The lake water was sampled at approximately monthly intervals, from the start of the open water season (end of April) to the first days of November 2016 (about one week before permanent ice-cover; ice-on). Snow samples (n=2) collected near Lake Shortandy were melted in a sealed container at room temperature. Rainfall samples (n=3) were collected at Kazakh State Hydrometeorological Agency (Kazhydromet) weather station near Ulken Shabakty Lake. The rainfall samples were collected during abundant precipitation events using a large plastic container and immediately transferred into the vials and sealed. Groundwater samples were collected from boreholes (GrdW1-4) using a bailer. Groundwater was sampled during the open water season at approximately three-month intervals (end of April, mid-July, and end of October 2016). Stream samples were collected at approximately the same times as groundwater samples following the same sampling procedure used for lake water samples. The samples were analyzed at the Global Institute for Water Security, McDonnell Watershed Hydrology Laboratory (Saskatchewan, Canada) on a Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer (Los Gatos Research). The analyzer uses liquid water Off-Axis Integrated-Cavity Output Spectroscopy (Off-Axis ICOS) and has an uncertainty of ≤ ±1.0 for δ2H and ±0.2 for δ18O. The following reference materials were used to normalize obtained values to VSMOW international scale: ‘Saskatoon Snow Melt Water’ (SSMW): δ2H= -200.4 ‰, δ18O = -26.1 ‰; and ‘Enriched’: δ2H=3.2 ‰, δ18O=-0.3 ‰). All values are reported as parts per thousand (‰) according to the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water - Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation (VSMOW-SLAP) scales. See also the Materials and Methods sections (3.2 and 3.3) of the article. The sampling points and weather station location can also be found in Google Earth geospatial data format file (Burabay isotopes paper.kmz).