EN in Pediatric ECMO

Published: 1 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jcd7nn3mwy.1
Hongxing Dang


This dataset contains clinical information for pediatric patients undergoing ECMO treatment, focusing on key variables related to patient demographics, treatment outcomes, and nutritional support. The data includes details on gender, age, weight-for-age Z-score, admission diagnosis (specifically pneumonia), and various treatment-related metrics such as total hospital length of stay, PICU stay duration, mechanical ventilation time, and ECMO duration. Important clinical indicators such as the use of CRRT, successful ECMO weaning, ECMO mode, and Vasoactive-Inotropic Scores (VIS) across different time points (pre-ECMO and days 1-5) are recorded. Nutritional parameters, including whether EN was initiated within 24 or 48 hours, the number of EN interruptions, and average protein and caloric intake, are also captured. Additionally, the dataset includes energy and protein intake adequacy, along with PRISM3 scores to assess the severity of illness. This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the clinical course of ECMO patients, highlighting the relationships between ECMO treatment, vasoactive support, and nutritional outcomes.



Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Vasoactive Drug in Critical Care, Enteral Nutrition
