Quantitative phase analysis of magnetic Fe@C nanoparticles
Published: 16 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jcnp3wv4g2.1
, , , , , , , , , , Description
Phase composition of Fe@C nanoparticles has been investigated with 57Fe NMR and Mossbauer spectroscopy. NMR spectra demonstrate single domain state of alpha-Fe as an additional/shifted line in spectrum.
Steps to reproduce
Raw NMR data can be opened in Bruker topspin software. Two-digit numbered files are spectra on each frequency. Five-digit numbered files are sum of these spectra. Raw Mossbauer data can be opened in UnivemMS software. Calibration file of pure Fe is attached.
Institut fiziki metallov imeni M N Miheeva
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mossbauer Spectroscopy