Metropolitan Lagos Dataset on Customers' Perception Ratings of Problems Associated with Electricity Distribution
The Metropolitan Lagos dataset consists of the files (i) tsetimi_lagos_dataset.sav and (ii) tsetimi_lagos_dataset.xlxs. The two files contain the same number of records (377) and same information. The first file is in IBM SPSS database format while the second is in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. The SPSS database format can be accessed in the data view of SPSS. The fieldnames, field descriptions and field types are self-contained in the SPSS database file. The dataset is part of a nationwide survey on the problems associated with electricity distribution and generation in Nigeria. A pilot survey [1] of this research was conducted in Delta State South-South, Nigeria. The files for the pilot survey are available in [2]. The survey for the Lagos data set was conducted by means of a well-structured questionnaire administered by trained interviewers. The questionnaire for the research collected information on respondents’ bio-data, experience with the services of their distribution companies and observed problems on electricity distribution from the fieldwork. The perception ratings on the services of distributions companies from the electricity customers was on a five-point scale based on the following metrics adapted from [3]: i. Overall satisfaction with services of distribution company; ii. Quality and reliability of power from distribution company; iii. Reasonableness of bills from distribution company; iv. Billing system of distribution company; v. Corporate image of distribution company; vi. Effectiveness of Communication of distribution company with stakeholders; vii. Customers service of the distribution company. The respondents scored the metrics between 0 and 5 inclusive depending on their perception on the above metrics. The scores of the respondents on the observed problems were based on the following items listed below: i. Low voltage; ii. Incessant power outages; iii. Load Shedding; iv. Inadequate number of meters; v. Inadequate distribution lines; vi. Unreasonable price of power; vii. Illegal connections; viii. Inadequate number of transformers; ix. Stealing of Distribution facilities; The respondents assign a score between 0 and 10 inclusive depending on their perception on the level of severity of the observed problems. References [1] J. Tsetimi, A. O. Atonuje and E. J. Mamadu. An Analysis of a Pilot Survey of the Problems of Electricity Distribution in Delta State, Nigeria. Transactions of Nigerian Institution of Mathematical Physics. 2020; 12(7): 109-116 [2] J. Tsetimi. Customers' Problems with Electricity Distribution in Delta State Nigeria, [dataset], Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/msrhyv489k.1. 2020. Accessed 16th February, 2021. Available: [3] D. Smith, S. Nayak, M. Karig, I. Kosnik, M. Konya, K. Lovett, Z. Liu, and H.Luvai. Assessing Residential Customer Satisfaction for Large Electric Utilities. UMSL, Department of Economics Working Papers. (2011).
Steps to reproduce
The dataset was collected by means of a well structured questionnaire. The questionnaires were administered by trained interviewers. The interviewers were trained at the Department of Mathematics, Delta State University, Abraka. The questionnaire for the research had three sections. Section 1 of the questionnaire was to collect bio-data from electricity customers in the Metropolitan Lagos area. In this section the respondents simply have to tick the available options or fill-in and appropriate letter. Section 2 of the questionnaire was to collect data on some stated performance metrics. The third section of the questionnaire i.e. Section 3 was to collect the respondents' perception scores on observed problems during the fieldwork. For the performance metrics the respondents were expected to score positive statements on their experience with the service of their distribution company. The scores assigned by the respondents depend on how they feel about the services rendered by their distribution company. For a particular positive statement, respondents were to assign a score of 1 to "strongly disagree", a score of 2 is assigned to "disagree", while score of 3 is assigned to "uncertain". The scores of 4 and 5 was assigned to "agree" and "strongly agree" respectively. In all twenty-two positive statements were used to collect data on the perception ratings of electricity customers on the performance of distribution company. In the case where more than one positive statement is used for a performance metric, the average of the positive statements is taken to represent the score for that particular metric. For the observed problems respondents were expected to score the stated problem between 0 and 10 inclusive. Their score on the observed problems depend on how severe they think the problem is in affecting the distribution of electricity in Nigeria. A score of 0 means the problem is limited in affecting the effective distribution of electricity distribution by distribution companies, whereas a score of 10 would mean the problem is very severe. The scores expected from the electricity customers was based on their perceptions. The original coding of the datasets was done in IBM SPSS Version 23. The definition of all the database parameters is self-contained in the SPSS database file and can be viewed in the variable view of SPSS. Further analysis on the data was done in Microsoft Excel, 2016 edition. There dataset are presented in the two formats and users can use any of the formats as they contain the same information. The files are do not have any password, users can simply download and access the datasets in the respective software depending on their preferences.