Celeris Base: An interactive and immersive Boussinesq-type nearshore wave simulation software

Published: 10 October 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jdx7tddcxz.1


We introduce our interactive and immersive coastal wave simulation software, Celeris Base, which is the successor to Celeris Advent. Celeris Base is an open source software developed in the Unity3D game engine and in C# language. It supports an interactive environment and allows users to view the simulations in a virtual reality headset. Celeris Base solves the same equations as Celeris Advent, the extended Boussinesq equations, using our hybrid finite volume–finite difference method. These equations are solved on the GPU using compute shaders, written in HLSL. Celeris Base has several new features such as 360°video capturing, geographic map overlays, built-in real-time gauge plotters, etc. It also improves the implementation of the sponge layer boundary condition by introducing new damping equations. Celeris Base is designed and implemented using the best software engineering practices in the hope that it will be a base for further developments of the Celeris software series by researchers around the globe. We validate Celeris Base against experimental results in this paper.



Computational Physics
