Data to go with Cell Metabolism paper Hu et al 2018 Supplemental Figure 1
This experiment was to assess the impact of dietary macro-nutrient composition on body weight of the mouse. In total we used 30 different diets and 5 different strains of mice. This file contains the individual data of the food intake, energy intake and protein/fat intake of male C57BL/6 mice averaged over the entire 3 months feeding on one of 12 different diets. Twenty mice were exposed to each diet. The diets had variable protein from 5 to 30% and had two levels of fat content (diets 1 to 6 had 60% fat and diets 7 to 12 had 20% fat), variable fat from 8.3 to 80% and had two levels of protein content (diets 13 to 18 had 10% protein and diets 19 to 24 had 25% protein). Full details of the dietary compositions can be found in the paper supplementary table 1. Complete meta-data are in the meta-data tab of the file. Means for each diet derived from these individual values are presented in Figure S1 of Hu et al (2018) Cell metabolism.