Brown goat yogurt: Metabolomics, peptidomics and sensory changes during production

Published: 8 February 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/jfr6pzfgch.2


Brown goat milk products have gained popularity for their unique taste and flavor. The emergence of chain-reversal phenomenon makes the design and development of goat milk products gradually tend to a consumer-oriented model. However, the precise mechanism of how browning and fermentation process causes characteristics is not clear. In an effort to understand how the treatments potentially lead to certain metabolite profile changes in goat milk, comprehensive, quantitative metabolomics and peptidomics analysis of goat milk samples after browning and fermentation were undertaken. An intelligent hybrid z-score standardization-principal components algorithm-multimodal denoising autoencoder was used for feature fusion and hidden layer fusion in high-dimensional variable space. The fermentation process significantly improved the flavor of brown goat yogurt through tricarboxylic acid-urea-glycolysis composite pathway. Bitter peptides HPFLEWAR, PPGLPDKY, and PPPPPKK have strong interactions with both DPP IV and ACE, proving that brown goat yogurt can be considered as effective provider of potential DPP IV and ACE inhibitors. The level of health-promoting bioactive components and sensory contributed to consumer selection. The proposed multimodal data integrative analysis platform was applicable to explain the impact of the dynamic changes of metabolites and peptides on consumer preferences.



Shaanxi University of Science and Technology


Mass Spectrometry, Yogurt, Goat Milk


National Natural Science Foundation of China

