Dataset of a study on RDTs for Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Argentina
The file Chagas RDTs_Data Base.cvs contains all the variables used in the analysis of the manuscript “Rapid diagnostic tests for Trypanosoma cruzi infection: field evaluation of two registered kits in endemic and non-endemic regions of Argentina”. This was a prospective intervention study during 2018 to evaluate two registered RDTs for Chagas Disease (infection by T. cruzi), in Argentina (Salta province and Buenos Aires city). The study recruited 607 volunteers older than 18 years and performed the Ab Standard Diagnostics SD Bioline® (SD) and WL Check Chagas Wiener Lab® (WL) RDTs in situ with whole blood samples, and then performed confirmatory serology at a reference center. The data set is structured with one record per each participant recluted in the study. Each of the 706 participants was assigned an ID, which is the first variable included in the data set, and subsequently variables on participant’s information for eligibility criteria, results of RDTs and conventional serological tests and others variables created from the previous ones. From recruited participants, 545 cases fulfilled the criteria for accuracy analysis of SD and WL RDTs. The analysis of this data set was done with Stata version 11.2, and some complementary analysis in EpiDat version 3.1.