Cultivating Mindfulness: Navigating the Complex Landscape of Reproductive Justice and Tobacco Smoking

Published: 14 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jg6tsxdzv7.1
Ranjit Singha


This article examines the intricate relationship between tobacco use, reproductive justice, and the potential impacts of mindfulness practices. Reproductive justice necessitates focused interventions to safeguard the well-being and independence of marginalized communities, given the detrimental consequences of tobacco use on reproductive health. Research has shown that mindfulness practices facilitate informed decision-making, alleviate tension, and encourage community engagement, all of which align with the principles of reproductive justice. The NFHS-5 data about the states of Assam and Karnataka unveil intricate correlations between reproductive outcomes and health behaviours, shedding light on concerns including heightened caesarean sections and tobacco consumption. The proactive participation of the Koch Rajbongshi Student Union's women's branch and the Naga Mothers Association represents advancements in pursuing reproductive justice in the Northeast, which have far-reaching consequences for women's organizations worldwide. Comprehensive strategies ensure that outcomes are informed, equitable, and wholesome. For constructive societal change, policymakers, communities, and individuals should support mindfulness and community-led initiatives in healthcare policies.



Social Sciences
