Figures and constructs matrix table from which PEP-I framework emerged
Published: 28 October 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jh93g4r8yy.1
André MayoungaDescription
Figures and constructs matrix table from which PEP-I framework emerged as reported in the paper "Antecedents of recalls prevention: analysis and synthesis of research on product recalls" published in the Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal. (2018-10-23). 76 articles were examined using a summative approach to qualitative content analysis to extract, estimate and compare the meaning of emerging constructs. The final constructs led to the synthesis of a framework for supply chain quality management with four layers of antecedents identified as PEP-I (Product, Equipment, Process, and Intervention) to help prevent the production of defective products.
Supply Chain Management, Quality Management, Global Supply Chain Strategies