BraNet: A mobil Application for Breast image classification based on Deep Learning algorithms.

Published: 12 March 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/jh9trvbjbv.2
Yuliana Jimenez, Maria Jose Rodriguez-Alvarez,


Mobile health apps are widely used for breast cancer detection and diagnosis. Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in developing medical tools, providing radiologists with second opinions, and reducing false diagnoses. Aim: This study aims to develop an open-source mobile app, named "BraNet," for 2D breast imaging segmentation and classification using deep learning algorithms. Methods: The BraNet app was developed using the React Native framework, offering a modular deep learning pipeline for mammography and ultrasound breast imaging classification. This application operates on a client-server architecture and was implemented in Python for iOS and Android devices. It performs image analysis, extracts masks, and classifies them into benign or malignant classes. The components include data loading, Region of Interest (RoI) extraction, segmentation, classification, and statistical evaluation. Description The development of a mobile application for Android and iOS devices is proposed, in which breast ultrasound or mammography images are loaded, then a segmenter is used to extract the regions of interest (ROI) (optional), finally a classifier algorithm is applied to these to determine if the image is benign or malignant. Languages used TypeScript JavaScript Python 3.11 Tools/Frameworks used Figma VS Code Jupyter Notebooks Flask PyTorch 2.0.1 React Native 0.71 Database and cloud plataforms Google Firebase Google Cloud


Steps to reproduce

The BraNet framework can be directly installed from: Video


University of Waterloo, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Institut de Matematica Multidisciplinar, Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja Area Biologica y Biomedica


Breast Cancer, Mobile Code, Application Tool, Deep Learning Image Reconstruction
