Data of "Dynamic Response Diagnosis of Ultrasound Field in Water Utilizing Birefringence-Zeeman Dual-Frequency Laser"
There are 3 types of data used in this paper, I.Data collected from Laser Heterodyne Interferometry System A.Spectral data measured with birefringent-Zeeman dual-frequency Laser Heterodyne Interferometry System with the ultrasonic transducer placed 4 cm directly above the laser. II.Data collected from Laser Self-Mixing Interference System A.The ultrasound transducer is 4cm directly above the laser and the signal generator outputs a 10Vpp sinusoidal signal with different frequencies (100kHz-900kHz) . This database is named as “Spectral data h4 output frequency 100to900(50)400to600(20)460to540(10)” B.The ultrasound transducer is 4cm above the laser, and the signal generator outputs a 500kHz, 10Vpp sinusoidal signal, changing the ultrasound transducer in parallel relative to the laser at different positions. This database is named as “Spectral data h4 position” C.The ultrasound transducer is directly above the laser, the signal generator outputs a 500Khz, 10Vpp sinusoidal signal, while the position of the ultrasound transducer relative to the laser is vertically varied (4cm-1cm). This database is named as “Spectral data h4-h1” D.The ultrasonic transducer is 4 cm directly above the laser, and the signal generator outputs a 500 kHz, 10 Vpp sinusoidal signal, with spectral data measured using the Laser Self-Mixing Interference System. E.The ultrasound transducer is 4cm directly above the laser and the signal generator outputs a 500kHz, 10Vpp rectangular wave signal, a sawtooth wave (100) signal. This database is named as “Waveform Data” III.Data collected from Birefringence-Zeeman Dual Frequency Laser Cavity Length Measurement A.Frequency domain signal of Birefringence-Zeeman Dual Frequency Laser. Description of data use: Data II.A.B.C can be used to determine, under self-mixing interference conditions, the relationship between the number of peaks in the measured frequency domain and the independent variable, as well as the relationship between the amplitude of the sub-peaks and the independent variable. This relationship is described in detail in the Discussion section of the paper. Data I.A and Data II.D can be used to compare the measurement results of two methods: laser heterodyne interference and laser self-mixing interference. These are described in detail in the Experiments section of the paper. Data II.E can be observed for the ultrasonic modulation results corresponding to different waveforms generated by the ultrasonic transducer in the time domain. This relationship is described in detail in the Discussion section of the paper. Data III.A can be used to measure the cavity length of the resonator.
Steps to reproduce
Experimental equipment: A.Oscillograph (RIGOL DS7054 500MHz 10GSa/s) B.Spectrograph (RIGOL DSA815 9kHz-1.5GHz) C.Waveform Generator (KEYSIGHT 33600A Series) D.Avalanche Photodetector (MenloSystems APD 410 200-1000nm 1-900MHz) E.polarizing Beamsplitter F.Non-polarizing Beamsplitter G.Polariser H.Quarter-wave Plate I.He-Ne laser J.Water tank K.Magnet L.Mirror M.Ultrasound transducer (500kHz) Experimental methods Birefringent-Zeeman dual-frequency Laser Heterodyne Interferometry; Birefringent-Zeeman dual-frequency Laser Self-Mixing Interference,which is discussed inexperiment section in our paper. Disclaimer: All data provided are raw data, some data need to be processed can be used, the same set of measurement conditions may have more than one raw data, please note that not all raw data have the value of use, some data may be due to the measurement of the instrument (eg, laser mode change) resulting in individual data failure, please pay attention to the use of screening!
National Natural Science Foundation of China