Grain size distributions and stress-strain curves of granite with different weathering degree
Published: 26 October 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/jhr6xystvr.2
Xiaolin HuangDescription
This dateset includes stress-strain curves of LdB granite (slightly weathered), SJK granite (moderately weathered), and MYB granite (highly weathered) as well as grain size distributions of three types of granite. It also contains polarized thin sections that present the euhedral, subhedral, and anhedral microstructures. Data on the LdB granite are available through Lan et al., [2010] while other data were obtained by authors in the laboratory. Reference: Lan, H., Martin, C. D., & Hu, B. (2010). Effect of heterogeneity of brittle rock on micromechanical extensile behavior during compression loading. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B1).
Property of Rock Mechanics