Environmental attitudes and intentions on pro-environmental behavior in engineers

Published: 22 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jj7ks3kf8x.1
Ingrid Iovana Burgos Espinoza,


This database has data obtained from the application of a survey to engineering students and active engineers in the maquiladora industry of Ciudad Juárez. The database has been used to measure the impact of environmental intentions on environmental attitudes and the impact that private pro-environmental behaviors have on public pro-environmental behavior. After collecting the data, they are used in a structural equation model to obtain the results of the impacts of the variables analyzed.


Steps to reproduce

This research project used a questionnaire to collect information from engineering students and active engineers. A literature review was conducted using databases such as ScienceDirect and Scopus. Using these databases, we investigated the intentions of environmental behavior, environmental attitudes, and pro-environmental behavior of people to identify the items with which the level of implementation of each of the variables used was measured. This literature review corresponds to a rational validation of the questionnaire to be designed. The questionnaire contains three sections. The first section contained demographic information about the respondents, such as gender, years of seniority in the position, and the industrial sector in which the respondent works. The second section contained questions investigating the levels of knowledge, attitudes, intentions, pro-environmental behavior, and the risks that the respondent distinguished. The third section contains a series of benefits that the respondents can distinguish if they fulfill the intentions and applies environmental knowledge, which can be social, environmental, and economical. Sections two and three of the questionnaire were answered on a five-point Likert scale. The research proposal is subject to evaluation by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) . Once the project and questionnaire have been authorized, its application is carried out online, foreseeing the continuity of the COVID-19 pandemic and restricted access to companies. The questionnaire focused on two main sectors, university students and professionals active in companies. To apply the questionnaire in the industry, friends and colleagues working in the Maquiladora industry established in Ciudad Juárez were used because this is the sector in which economically active engineers work. Permission was requested from educational institutions' authorities for the questionnaire applied to the students. An email was sent to practicing engineers and engineering students inviting them to participate in the research, explaining the objective, and providing a link to the online questionnaire.


Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez


Engineering, Environmental Attitude, Pro-Environmental Behavior
