School Leader as Changemaker: Reliability & Validity Dataset
The dataset was assess the validity of the Leader as Changemaker scale, using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) - and item response theory - the Rasch modeling approach. The data set includes two files. The first file consists of the survey data on Leader as Changemaker- a survey than was done to review six school leaders in a school in Mumbai, India in January, 2022. The survey consisted of 35 questions which are represented by columns in the file. The responses from the reviewers are represented as rows in the files. There were two categories of respondents - Direct Reports (DR) and Others. Both kinds of respondents are teachers from the network of the schools that the six leaders belonged to. The names of the six leaders have been hidden to maintain confidentiality, and they are represented as Leader_1, Leader_2, so on. There are a total of 385 responses from all the respondents. The second file is a cleaned up version of the first file, i.e, the outliers have been removed from this file. It follows the same format as the first file. After removing the outliers, the total number of responses became 325. This is the file that has been used by the authors for their study.