Fear of Covid, Resilience and Positive mental health

Published: 5 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jktvnvs8r6.1
Parameswari J,


Resilience will mediate the relationship between fear of covid-19 and positive mental health It was found that the presence of resilience in the nurses has reduced the effect of fear of Covid-19 on their positive mental health Data were collected through what's app form nurses working in hospitals The demographic data are coded. The description of the code is : Gender 1 is male, 2 Female. Relationship status: 1 is married, 2 is Single and 3 is divorced. Number of children: 0 is no children, 1 is one child, 2 is 2 children, 3 is more than 2 children. Aged people at home: 0 i sno aged dependents, 1 is one aged member, 2 is 2 aged member, 3 is more than 2 aged member. Employment status of spouse: 1 is employed, 2 is not employed, 3 not married



Social Sciences
