A multi-algorithm fusion model for predicting automotive fuel cell system demand power

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jmf89ryh9n.1
Angang Chen,


Fuel cell vehicles are an important way to realize green transportation, and their power output depends on the fuel cell system. The prediction of the demand power of the fuel cell system has a positive effect on improving the power response. To achieve accurate prediction, we collected real vehicle data to train and test the prediction model.This project data for A multi-algorithm fusion model for predicting automotive fuel cell system demand power.This database contains the data from the article as well as the modeling code so that the reader can better reproduce the effects achieved in the article.


Steps to reproduce

The data and code are first downloaded and configured for the environment specifically represented in the thesis. Place the data in the data folder and follow the instructions in run.py to configure the model parameters to run.


Jiangsu University


Fuel Cell
