Data for: Optimizing reproductive performance and embryonic development of red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii by manipulating water temperature

Published: 24 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jmnc5b6p4s.1
Tanglin Zhang, Sovan Lek, WEI LI, Mantang Xiong, Shiyu Jin, Jiashou Liu, Ruojing Li, Ji Xin Yu, Lisa Jacquin, Feng Huang


The data is about the reproductive performance of adult Procambarus clarkii and embryonic development under five temperature conditions (17 ℃, 21 ℃, 25 ℃, 29 ℃, and 33 ℃). For reproductive performance, we tested the survival, feeding rate, spawning rate, duration from mating to spawning, and fecundity of adults crayfish. For embryonic development, we tested the developmental time in each stage, morphological abnormalities and finally built a predictive model for P. clarkii embryos development. The temperature fluctuation during the experimental period and reproductive seasons of crayfish are also provided.



Animal Reproduction, Aquaculture, Embryogenesis
