Data for: "Studying Attitudes Towards Vaccine Hesitance and California Law SB 277 in Online Discourse: A Dataset and Methodology"
Published: 4 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jmpwfb9zx8.1
Kali DeDominicisDescription
This is an Excel spreadsheet that compiles the word frequency charts created and exported using NVivo during our study of attitudes towards Califonia law SB277, a vaccine mandate. There are eight total sheets representing the total dataset and then that dataset divided into three attitude categories ("vaccine supportive," "vaccine hesitant," and "neutral"). Each of those categories had two outputs, "stemmed" and "unstemmed." The latter compiled the raw lists of words in each category by frequency of use, while the former grouped words that began with the same collection of letters (e.g., "child" and "children").
University of Pennsylvania, Emory University School of Public Health, Arcadia University, Kaiser Permanente, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Digital Anthropology, Methodology, Medical Anthropology