The influence of nutrition knowledge, attitude, practices and dietary diversity on obesity among market women in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana

Published: 27 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jn3k3hn4kz.1
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Dataset on 2 market sites (Kotokuraba and Abura) in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana


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Anthropometry Body Composition Analysis using the Omron body fat analyser (Omron Healthcare, Inc., USA). Dietary Diversity Assessment (24-hour recall) The recommended ten food groups according to WHO and the works by Ansari et al. (28) for defining minimum dietary diversity indicator was used in assessing dietary diversity in this study. They were (i) grains, tubers and roots (ii) pulse (beans, peas, lentils), (iii) dairy and dairy products, (iv) flesh foods (meats, fish, and poultry), (v) eggs, (vi) vitamin A-rich vegetables and fruits, (vii) other fruits (viii) nuts, seeds, (ix) dark green and leafy vegetables, (x) other vegetables. Market women recalled all food items consumed the previous day before the study (24-hour recall). The dietary diversity score is between 0-10, where 0 was for food groups that were not consumed and 1 for food groups consumed. The proportion who consumed foods from a minimum of five out of ten food groups in a 24-hour time pace was defined by WHO as having achieved the minimum dietary diversity. Statistical Analysis Data was entered into Microsoft excel 2016 and extracted to python 3.8.12 for analysis. Data on dietary diversity score was presented as frequency of respondents scoring between <5 and ≥5 and expressed as a percentage of the total respondents. Same was done for nutrition knowledge. Data was grouped into high, normal and very high for visceral fat and body fat and the frequencies expressed as a percentage. BMI was grouped into underweight, normal, overweight and obesity using appropriate cut-offs and the frequencies expressed as a percentage. Same was done for waist-to-hip ratio. For association between dependent variables (dietary diversity score, attitudes, nutrition knowledge) and independent variables ( body fat, waist-to-hip ratio, body mass index, and visceral fat), Cramer’s V text and Pearson correlation were used


Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology


